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Wild Alaskan Salmon Hub Pick Up in Encinitas on Tuesday, November 5

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After You Vote Join Us for the Inaugural Encinitas Salmon Hub Pick-Up!

Join us for a special salmon drop-off from our friend, Chris Wang, a commercial fisherman in he largest wild, fully regenerative salmon fishery in Bristol Bay, Alaska. He'll be delivering fresh salmon for pick-up between 2:30 and 6:30 pm at 1008 Hygeia Ave, Encinitas. To participate, please make sure to PREORDER your fish. When you arrive, you'll find a bag with your name on it in the, filled with portioned, commercially vacuum-sealed, and frozen salmon, ready for you to store and enjoy at your convenience!


When ordering, please be sure to click on "Ordering from a Hub" and then "Colin Leibold/Encinitas".  The hub is usually self-service, but Chris will be here for most of this one - so please stop by and meet the fisherman.  


Don't forget, to ensure that you get salmon, it's HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you PREORDER.


Ordering closes on Sunday Evening.  

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